Tips to Get More Customers For Your Auto Repair Shop

As the economy struggles things get tough and even a little tricky, there is no doubt that you have seen this in your shop. This is tricky in the sense that people tend to neglect and sometimes forego their vehicle maintenance or repair, which leads to slower days and at times even longer periods such as weeks or months. The Covid pandemic has affected the automotive repair industry economy along with every auto repair shop so it is imperative to respond to these slower days, click to learn more about the benefits of using 5iQ workshop software during the pandemic.

Here are a few tips on how to manage your existing customer and how to attract new customers.

Build Your Brand and Market It

Your automotive repair shop is your Brand! Your Brand reflects familiarity, dependability and trust to name a few, so once your Brand is established then you must promote it using all channels and techniques. Digital Brand marketing is your online presence which creates an image of your business giving you the credibility to compete for and attract new customers along with retaining your existing customers. Word of mouth referrals are the most effective and direct marketing leads you will ever receive but this is only achieved by having a strong well established Brand.

There are some basic things I encourage you to consider when marketing your brand like, map out the process your customers goes through to contact your shop then once you have that list consider the customer interaction at each touch point. Your website or shop should present a consistent flow and experience in line with your brand image creating a memorable and lasting impression. The positive experience of your customer will have a compelling reason for them to share with others leading to eminent new business.

Reach out to Loyal customers

You may have experienced a slow down period at one point or another with booking numbers below average? This is probably a really good time to reach out to your existing customers and drum up some business, the message could be educational such as tips on maintaining your vehicle or sales related by offering a special service or repair, you may even want to incentivise them by offering a discount.

Related Article: An Effective Ways To Communicate With Your Workshop Customers

Be Active on Social Media Handles

In the world of social media your brand needs to maintain its digital identity which can promote your growth alongside your website. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide strong opportunities for posts that can generate interest which can lead to online bookings. Your post should be scheduled frequently so your audience becomes familiar and begins to follow you, your posts should include links to blogs, notifications and specials providing a call to action.

A professional platform like Linkedin is a great platform for digital reputation, although at times it may pay for you to hire experienced people to create relatable content for your brand as also fashion tailored posts about the offered services. Create a verified account of your brand, share as much information as possible via these sites, and watch your business grow!

Hold Free Training & Promotional Sessions

Sharing a variety of information ranging from products to services provides your customers with knowledge, transparency and trust. Featuring things like free vehicle inspection at a networking event or online will attract new business and also remind existing customers of your services giving them peace of mind. Hosting network events or participating them in your local community is a great way of exposing your Brand.

Manage Your Shop Well Using 5iQ Workshop Software

If your workflow becomes stagnant your growth of the company may become stagnant too. Don’t become stagnant, try 5iQ workshop software, which simplifies workflow processes and reduces the workload. It provides an easy online portal for consumers to remain updated and in contact along with an online appointment booking mobile app for customers 24/7. This software manages the company on an extrinsic basis and builds a solid structure within the company itself. Scheduling shifts, maintaining invoices, calculating due payments, and setting up the inventory are some tasks that can be easily accomplished within the software.

Connect with Other Small Business Owners

Cross promotional marketing is as effective as any other method mentioned above. By reaching out to the owners of small businesses near you to collaborate ideas will increase your market presence through the reach of their networks. Simply by mentioning and tagging the other businesses in your social media posts you are creating a friendly atmosphere for business which makes a good impression and can lead to recommendations and of course this can be reciprocated, which in turn will lead to an increase in your online presence.

Keep Your Customers Close and Satisfied

Making it simple and easy for your customers to contact you through your website or social media platforms is key to maintaining and improving your relationship with them. This extends to having the right auto repair software to manage your customer experience from the booking process all the way to the invoice. This improves customer satisfaction, loyalty and will lead to referrals. Building a flawless reputation is paramount and your customer is guaranteed to return for additional services time and again.

Key Takeaways

The methods mentioned above are examples of how important your brand is and how you can use your brand digitally and on social media platforms to retain and attract new customers. Building a business and striving to flourish during adverse times is no easy job. This can only be sustained with the help of a loyal customer base and tactics that you deploy across multiple strategies.

Get in touch with us for more details.