How To Manage Your Customer Information & Asset With 5iQ Auto CRM Software?

Customer Contact Management:

5iQ customer asset management module will help you to connect with your contacts (Customers, Suppliers and Employees). As your workshop has a mixture of contacts such as customers, suppliers, employees this CRM contact module manages all of their details.

Contacts > Customers:

This module will help you to manage and maintain your customer’s assets and their details. The customer listing screen will provide you with all the relevant contact details including mobile, address and the number of vehicles they have so should you need to talk or send your customer a message then you can with ease.

A great feature in the module is the ability to assign a pricing level based on the type of category they fall into such as Consumer, Trade or Govt and so forth. You have total control or account customer whereby if need be you can put them on hold if they are behind in their payment or change their method of payment.

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As most of us have a secondary person that either helps with dropping off the car or picking it up it’s so important to list that secondary person so the workshop knows how they fit in.

5iQ customer app is proving to be a great communication tool for the workshop so when a new customer is added or an existing customer is updated the workshop can send out the app link and login credentials via email or sms in just one click.

Customer Information & Asset Management 5iQ Module

In the customer card you will also find the asset linked to that customer and if you need to add more then that’s really the Add button on the right hand side of the page and fill out the relevant details for that vehicle.

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Select from the dropdown list of Make, Model, Series, Year, Transmission etc… to enter the correct vehicle details. This will streamline the maintenance process for the workshop and the customer never needs to remember these details in the future, a win for everyone.

Screen of Customer Information & Asset Management 5iQ Module

Screen of Customer Information & Asset Management 5iQ Module

You can modify the details of any customer at any time using the edit button. This feature will help you to update this information when necessary.

The removal of any customer details can be done through the delete or archive function. You can only delete customer details if you have the relevant security access and if there is no history associated with that card file if so then its as simple as clicking the delete button and it’s done. If there is history associated with the customer card then you must archive the card file which will save and store the history details in the system. If you are performing any of these functions in bulk then on the left hand side of the page you can tick multiple records or cards at once and complete the action in a single click.

Screem of Customer Information & Asset Management 5iQ Module